Nottingham, UK – Two composites manufacturing fellowships are available from the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council's research hub.
The fellows will be expected to develop a proposal that will lead to 'a step change in composites manufacturing technology in the UK', according to a statement from net composites.
The EPSRC is looking for proposals which are likely to include developing new manufacturing technologies or process modelling or process optimisation or analytical studies.
Innovation fellowships are open to UK and international candidates.
The universities of Nottingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Cranfield, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Southampton as well as Brunel University, Imperial College and Cranfield University are involved.
Fellowships are for a fixed two-year period, but successful candidates will be expected to find more funding to extend that period and expand their research.
Applications and funding criteria are available at The closing date for applications is 31 May 2018